
Welcome to Chara. My name is Christie and I’m excited to meet you. 

Christie - Chara Owner

What Chara does

Chara is here to support small businesses. 


I know that the digital world can be frustrating and confusing. I also know that we aren’t going to be turning back the clock and not using the internet and tech. 

We all know how useful tech can be in our personal lives, and many of us know how powerful it can be for our small businesses too. Unfortunately that doesn’t make it easier to use. Plus, we have all had those awful experiences of learning a new software or platform only to have it change a couple days or weeks later. Staying on top of things can be time consuming and irritating. 

That’s where Chara comes in. If you know that you could be doing bigger, better things in your business if you were online. If you could get your website running smoothly and leading people through, or getting those business profiles up to date and completely filled in; not to mention managing the content for these platforms! But you just can’t get it all worked out! Click the Get My Package button and get the stress off your plate.